Thumbnail |
Fleet Number |
Year |
Description |
Photo Date (M/D/Y) |
9401 |
2009 |
9401 parked at Burnaby Transit Centre during it's testing phase. |
4/16/2009 |
9401-2 |
2009 |
9401 parked at Burnaby Transit Centre during it's testing phase. |
4/16/2009 |
9401 Interior |
2009 |
9401's interior looking towards the redesinged rear of the bus. |
4/16/2009 |
9403 |
2009 |
9403 departing Edmonds Station working Rotue 129 Metrotown Station. |
7/15/2011 |
9407 |
2009 |
9407 departing 22nd Street Station working Rotue 410 Railway. |
7/08/2017 |
9411 |
2009 |
9411 departing 22nd Street Station working Rotue 104 Annacis Island. |
7/08/2017 |
9412 |
2009 |
9412 laying over at 22nd Street Station working Rotue 100 Marpole. |
7/08/2017 |
9417 |
2009 |
9417 working Rotue 129 Metrotown Station. |
7/14/2011 |
9421 |
2009 |
9421 departing 22nd Street Station working Rotue 128 Braid Station. |
7/08/2017 |
9422 |
2009 |
9422 at Phibbs Exchange working Route 130 Metrotown Station. |
3/22/2010 |
9422 Rear |
2009 |
9422 at Phibbs Exchange working Route 130 Metrotown Station. |
3/22/2010 |
9424 |
2009 |
9424 departing Metrotown Station working Rotue 144 SFU. |
7/08/2017 |
9426 |
2009 |
9426 departing 22nd Street Station working Rotue 155 Braid Station. |
7/08/2017 |
9426 Rear |
2009 |
9426 arriving at 22nd Street Station. |
7/08/2017 |
9430 |
2009 |
9430 in the southern part of Richmond working Rotue 410 Railway. |
7/09/2017 |
9431 |
2009 |
9431 departing Metrotown Station working Route 116 Edmonds Station. |
7/15/2011 |
9431-2 |
2009 |
9431 laying over at 22nd Street Station working Rotue 100 Marpole. |
7/08/2017 |
9435 Rear |
2009 |
9435 at UBC working Route 44 Downtown Express. |
2/15/2010 |
9436 |
2009 |
9436 at Metrotown Station working Rotue 144 SFU. |
7/09/2017 |
9437 |
2009 |
9437 arriving at SFU Excahnge. |
7/14/2011 |
9438 |
2009 |
9438 southbound on No. 3 Road at Cook Road working Rotue 410 Railway. |
7/09/2017 |
9440 |
2009 |
9440 departing 22nd Street Station working Rotue 128 Braid Station. |
7/08/2017 |
9441 |
2009 |
9441 working Route 44 UBC. |
2/15/2010 |
9443 |
2009 |
9443 departing 22nd Street Station working Rotue 410 Railway. |
7/08/2017 |
9443 |
2009 |
9443 arriving at 22nd Street Station. |
7/08/2017 |
9444 |
2009 |
9444 on Main Street at 2nd Avenue not in service. |
2/15/2010 |
9445 |
2009 |
9445 departing New Westminister Station working Rotue 106 Metrotown Station. |
7/08/2017 |
9449 |
2009 |
9449 departing 29th Avenue Station working Route 29 Elliott. |
2/16/2010 |
9454 Rear |
2009 |
9454 on Broadway west of Granville waiting for service after breaking down on the road. |
3/28/2016 |
9455 |
2009 |
9455 departing UBC working Route 41 Joyce Station. |
3/29/2016 |
9458 |
2009 |
9458 departing UBC working Route 33 29th Avenue Station. |
3/29/2016 |
9459 |
2009 |
9459 departing 29th Avenue Station. |
2/16/2010 |
9459-2 |
2009 |
9459 deparing Metrotown Station working Rotue 106 New Westminister Station. |
7/09/2017 |
9462 |
2009 |
9462 laying over at 22nd Street Station working Rotue 100 Marpole. |
7/08/2017 |
9464 |
2009 |
9464 departing UBC working Route 41 Joyce Station. |
3/29/2016 |
9464-2 |
2009 |
9464 departing Metrotown Station working Rotue 106 New Westminister Station. |
7/08/2017 |
9464 Rear |
2009 |
9464 arriving at Metrotown Station. |
7/08/2017 |
9468 |
2009 |
9468 departing UBC Loop working Route 25 Brentwood Station. |
7/21/2014 |
9469 Rear |
2009 |
9469 layig over at 29th Avenue Station. |
2/16/2010 |
9470 |
2009 |
9470 southbound on No. 3 Road at Cook Road working Rotue 430 Brighouse Station. |
7/09/2017 |
9470-2 |
2009 |
9470 at No. 3 Road at Cook Road working Rotue 430 Metroto Station. |
7/09/2017 |
9472 |
2009 |
9472 at UBC Loop working Route 33 29th Avenue Station. |
7/07/2013 |
9473 |
2009 |
9473 at UBC Loop not in service before its next run. |
7/10/2017 |
9473 Rear |
2009 |
9473 working Route 44. |
2/16/2010 |
9477 |
2009 |
9477 at UBC Loop not in service before its next run. |
7/10/2017 |
9479 |
2009 |
9479 southbound on Hastings working Route 14 UBC. |
3/28/2016 |
9485 |
2009 |
9485 departing 29th Avenue Station working Route 29 Elliott. |
2/16/2010 |
9486 |
2009 |
9486 at UBC Loop not in service before its next run. |
7/10/2017 |
9487 |
2009 |
9487 arriving at UBC Loop. |
7/07/2013 |
9488 |
2009 |
9488 departing 29th Avenue Station working Route 29 Elliott. |
2/17/2010 |
9488-2 |
2009 |
9488 departing UBC working Route 25 Brentwood Station. |
3/29/2016 |
9489 |
2009 |
9489 departing UBC working Route 33 29th Avenue Station. |
3/29/2016 |
9492 |
2009 |
9492 departing UBC Loop. |
3/29/2016 |
9498 Rear |
2009 |
9498 on Broadway east of Granville working Route 14 UBC. |
3/28/2016 |
9502 Rear |
2009 |
9502 departing UBC Loop working Route 25 Brentwood Station. |
7/16/2014 |
9504 |
2009 |
9504 arriving at UBC Loop working Route 4 Powell. |
7/07/2012 |
9505 |
2009 |
9505 departing 29th Avenue Station working Route 33 UBC. |
2/17/2010 |
9506 |
2009 |
9506 arriving at UBC Loop. |
7/16/2014 |
9506-2 |
2009 |
9506 departing UBC working Route 25 Brentwood Station. |
3/29/2016 |
9507 |
2009 |
9507 in downtown Vancouver working Route 50 Waterfront Station. |
3/20/2010 |
9509 |
2009 |
9509 arriving at 29th Avenue Station working Route 33 UBC. |
2/16/2010 |
9509-2 |
2009 |
9509 departing 29th Avenue Station working Route 33 UBC. |
2/16/2010 |
9510 |
2009 |
9510 southbound on Hastings working Route 14 UBC. |
3/28/2016 |
9511 |
2009 |
9511 arriving at UBC not in service. |
7/15/2011 |
9511-2 |
2009 |
9511 departing UBC Loop working Route 33 29th Avenue Station. |
7/21/2014 |
9512 |
2009 |
9512 arriving at UBC Loop not in service. |
7/21/2014 |
9513 |
2009 |
9513 in downtown Vancouver working Route 6 Downtown. |
3/20/2010 |
9513-2 |
2009 |
9513 arriving at UBC Loop not in service. |
7/15/2011 |
9515 |
2009 |
9515 at Cordova and Howe working Route 50 False Creek. |
2/14/2010 |
9515-2 |
2009 |
9515 outside Burrard Station working Route 22 Knight. |
3/20/2010 |
9515-3 |
2009 |
9515 departing UBC Loop working Route 41 Joyce Station. |
3/29/2016 |
9516 |
2009 |
9516 arriving at UBC Loop not in service. |
7/07/2012 |
9517 |
2009 |
9517 in downtown Vancouver working Route 5 Downtown. |
3/20/2010 |
9521 |
2009 |
9521 at UBC Loop working Route 41 Joyce Station. |
7/21/2014 |
9523 Rear |
2009 |
9523 laying over at UBC Loop waiting for its next run. |
2/16/2010 |
9526 |
2009 |
9526 arriving at UBC Loop not in service. |
7/15/2011 |
9526 Rear |
2009 |
9526 arriving at UBC Loop not in service. |
7/15/2011 |
9526 Rear 2 |
2009 |
9526 arriving at Metrotown Station. |
7/08/2017 |
9527 |
2009 |
9527 southbound on Granville Street working Route 50 Granville Island. |
3/29/2016 |
9528 |
2009 |
9528 at Macdonald and 4th Avenue working Route 2 16th Avenue. |
2/16/2010 |
9528 Rear |
2009 |
9528 at Macdonald and 4th Avenue working Route 2 16th Avenue. |
2/16/2010 |
9530 |
2009 |
9530 departing 29th Avenue Station working Route 33 UBC. |
2/16/2010 |
9530-2 |
2009 |
9530 departing UBC Loop working Route 25 Brentwood Station. |
7/16/2014 |
9532 |
2009 |
9532 arriving at UBC Loop not in service. |
7/15/2011 |
9532 Rear |
2009 |
9532 arriving at UBC Loop not in service. |
7/15/2011 |
9533 |
2009 |
9533 arriving at UBC Loop not in service. |
7/07/2012 |
9533 Rear |
2009 |
9533 arriving at UBC Loop not in service. |
7/07/2012 |
9534 |
2009 |
9534 departing UBC Loop working Route 41 Joyce Station. |
7/21/2014 |
9535 |
2009 |
9535 eastbound on Broadway at Cypress working Route 14 Hastings. |
3/29/2016 |
9536 |
2009 |
9536 arriving at UBC Loop out of service. |
7/16/2014 |
9537 |
2009 |
9537 arriving at UBC Loop not in service. |
7/21/2014 |
9537-2 |
2009 |
9537 departing UBC Loop working Route 25 Brentwood Station. |
7/21/2014 |
9539 |
2009 |
9539 departing UBC working Route 33 29th Avenue Station. |
3/29/2016 |
9540 |
2010 |
9540 at UBC waiting for its next run. |
2/15/2010 |
9540-2 |
2009 |
9540 departing UBC working Route 25 Brentwood Station. |
3/29/2016 |
9541 |
2009 |
9541 arriving at UBC Loop out of service. |
7/16/2014 |
9542 |
2009 |
9542 in Gastown working Route 50 False Creek. |
7/07/2012 |