Citizens Area Transit New Flyer D40LF

Welcome to the Citizens Area Transit (CAT) photo gallery for the New Flyer D40LF. CAT operates 43 D40LF's and 7 C40LF's. In 1994, CAT took delivery of their first 4 D40LF's (numbered 601-604), 1995 saw two orders (610-631/640-657) and in 1998 an order for 20 never did enter service, but ended up going to LACMTA. The 7 C40LF's were built in 2001 and numbered 670-676; however, there are no photos of these buses here. All the D40LF's are powered by Detroit Diesel Series 50 engines.

All D40LF's shown below are from the two 1995 orders.

Please do not reuse any of these photos without prior permission from photo owner. Thank you.
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Thumbnail Fleet Number Description Photo Date (M/D/Y)
610 Rear 610 seen at the Downtown Transportation Center. 1/01/2007
617 617 seen departing the Downtown Transportation Center working Route 105 Koval. 1/03/2007
617-2 617 seen departing the Downtown Transportation Center working Route 105 Koval. 1/03/2007
617 Rear 617 seen departing the Downtown Transportation Center working Route 208 Washington. 1/01/2007
647 647 seen laying over at the Downtown Transportation Center. 1/01/2007
653 653 seen departing the Downtown Transportation Center working Route 215 Bonanza. 1/03/2007
654 Rear 654 seen laying over at the Downtown Transportation Center working Route 107 Boulder Highway. 1/03/2007
6xx Rear A 600 series seen laying over at the Downtown Transportation Center working Route 108. 1/03/2007
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