Thumbnail |
Fleet Number |
Description |
Photo Date (M/D/Y) |
B9601 |
B9601 departs Metrotown Station working Route 116 Edmonds Station. |
8/29/2008 |
B9601-2 |
B9601 departing Lonesdale Quay working Route 229. |
4/15/2009 |
B9601 Rear |
B9601 at Metrotown Station working Route 116 Edmonds Station. |
8/29/2008 |
B9601 Rear 2 |
B9601 arriving at Lonesdale Quay working Route 229. |
4/15/2009 |
B9613 |
B9613 departing 29th Avenue Station working Route 29 Elliott. |
2/17/2010 |
B9613 Rear |
B9613 arriving at 29th Avenue Station working Route 29 Elliott. |
2/17/2010 |
B9614 |
B9614 arriving at Metrotown Station working Route 144. |
8/29/2008 |
B9616 |
B9616 at Metrotown Station working Route 110 Lougheed Station. |
8/29/2008 |
B9616-2 |
B9616 arriving at Lougheed Station working Route 110. |
8/29/2008 |
B9616-3 |
B9616 departing Production Way Station working not in service. |
7/14/2011 |
B9616 Rear |
B9616 departing Metrotown Station working Route 110 Lougheed Station. |
8/29/2008 |
B9618 |
B9618 departing Metrotown Station working Route 129 Edmonds Station. |
8/29/2008 |
B9618-2 |
B9618 arriving at Lougheed Station not in service. |
7/19/2014 |
B9619 |
B9619 at Metrotown Station not in service. |
7/09/2017 |
B9620 |
B9620 arriving at UBC Loop. |
4/15/2009 |
B9626 |
B9626 eastbound on Joyce at Fraser working Route 43 Joyce Station. |
4/15/2009 |
B9626 Rear |
B9626 eastbound on Joyce at Fraser. |
4/15/2009 |
B9627 |
B9627 arriving at Phibbs Exchange working Route 229. |
4/15/2009 |
B9627 Rear |
B9627 arriving at Metrotown Station. |
8/29/2008 |
B9628 |
B9628 at Park Royal working Route 239 Capilano University. |
7/11/2017 |
B9630 |
B9630 arriving at Metrotown Station. |
8/29/2008 |
B9630-2 |
B9630 southbound on the Granville Street Bridge working Route 50 False Creek. |
4/15/2009 |
B9632 |
B9632 arriving at Metrotown Station working Route 130. |
8/29/2008 |
B9632 Rear |
B9632 at Joyce and Fraser working Route 41. |
4/16/2009 |
B9635 |
B9635 departing Production Way Station working Route 136 Brentwood Station. |
7/14/2011 |
B9643 |
B9643 arrives at Metrotown Station. |
8/29/2008 |
B9643-2 |
B9643 laying over in downtown Vancouver waiting for its Night Bus run. |
3/20/2010 |
B9643-3 |
B9643 at Park Royal working Route 239 Capilano University. |
7/11/2017 |
B9643 Rear |
B9643 arriving at Metrotown Station working Route 144. |
4/16/2009 |
B9644 |
B9644 laying over in downtown Vancouver waiting for its Night Bus run. |
3/20/2010 |
B9650 |
B9650 departing Metrotown Station working Route 106 New Westminister Station. |
8/29/2008 |
B9652 |
B9652 departing Metrotown Station working Route 106 New Westminister Station. |
4/16/2009 |
B9657 |
B9657 departing Metrotown Station working Route 106 New Westminister Station. |
8/29/2008 |
B9658 |
B9658 at Park Royal working Route 239 Capilano University. |
7/11/2017 |
B9661 |
B9661 departing 29th Avenue Station working Route 29 Elliott. |
2/16/2010 |
V9664 |
V9664 departing 29th Avenue Station working Route 33 UBC. |
2/16/2010 |
V9664 Rear |
V9664 at 41st. and Vicotira working Route 41 UBC. |
8/29/2008 |
V9667 Rear |
V9667 arriving at Metrotown Station. |
7/08/2017 |
V9670 |
V9670 departing UBC Loop working Route 25 Brentwood Station. |
3/29/2016 |
V9671 |
V9671 departing 29th Avenue Station working Route 33 UBC. |
4/16/2009 |
V9672 |
V9672 arriving at UBC Loop not in service. |
7/21/2014 |
V9674 |
V9674 departing UBC Loop working Route 33 29th Avenue Station. |
7/07/2011 |
V9675 |
V9675 seen northbound on Westbrook Mall at University working Route 25 UBC. |
8/27/2008 |
V9675-2 |
V9675 at Joyce Station not in service. |
4/16/2009 |
V9677 |
V9677 seen southbound on Burrard working Route 22 Macdonald. |
8/27/2008 |
V9677-2 |
V9677 departing UBC Loop working Route 41 Joyce Station. |
3/29/2016 |
V9678 |
V9678 at 22nd Street Station waiting for its next run. |
8/30/2008 |
V9679 |
V9679 arriving at Airport Station working Route 100. |
4/15/2009 |
V9680 Rear |
V9680 on 2nd Ave. and Main St. working Route 84 VCC-Clark. |
8/30/2008 |
V9682 |
V9682 on Macdonald and 4th working Route 22 Macdonald. |
2/16/2010 |
V9682-2 |
V9682 departing UBC Loop working Route 25 Brentwood Station. |
3/29/2016 |
V9683 |
V9683 departing UBC Loop working Route 41 Joyce Station. |
3/29/2016 |
V9684 |
V9684 arriving at UBC Loop not in service. |
7/16/2014 |
V9686 |
V9686 arriving at Airport Station working Route 424. |
4/15/2009 |
V9686-2 |
V9686 departing UBC Loop working Route 33 29th Avenue Station. |
2/15/2010 |
V9687 |
V9687 departing Marine Drive Station working Route 100 Marpole. |
2/14/2010 |
V9687-2 |
V9687 departing UBC Loop working Route 41 Joyce Station. |
3/29/2016 |
V9689 |
V9689 seen in downtown Vancouver working Route 22 Knight. |
8/28/2008 |
V9691 |
V9691 arriving at UBC Loop not in service. |
7/16/2014 |
V9693 |
V9693 at the University of British Columbia. |
4/15/2008 |
V9698 Rear |
V9698 northbound on Granville in downtown Vancouver working Route 50 Waterfront Station. |
3/28/2016 |
V9702 |
V9702 southbound on Granville in downtown Vancouver working Route 50 South False Creek. |
3/28/2016 |
V9706 |
V9706 departing UBC Loop. |
2/15/2010 |
V9707 Rear |
V9707 seen departing Airport Station working Route 100 22nd Street Station. |
4/15/2008 |
V9710 |
V9710 departing Marine Drive Station working Route 15 Downtown. |
2/14/2010 |
V9712 |
V9712 departing UBC Loop working Route 41 Joyce Station. |
7/21/2014 |
V9713 |
V9713 departing UBC Loop displaying GO CANADA GO during the 2010 Winter Olympics. |
2/16/2010 |
V9713 Rear |
V9713 seen departing Airport Station working Route 424 Airport. |
8/27/2008 |
V9714 |
V9714 laying over at Airport Station working Route 100 22nd Street Station. |
8/27/2008 |
V9715 |
V9715 arriving at UBC Loop not in service. |
7/16/2014 |
V9715-2 |
V9715 departing UBC Loop working Route 25 Brentwood Station |
7/21/2014 |
B9716 |
B9716 departing Metrotown Station working Route 144 SFU. |
8/29/2008 |
B9718 Rear |
B9716 departing Metrotown Station working Route 144 SFU. |
8/29/2008 |
B9720 |
B9720 departing Metrotown Station working Route 106 New Westminister Station. |
8/29/2008 |
B9722 |
B9722 at Park Royal working Route 239 Capilano University. |
7/11/2017 |
B9725 |
B9725 departing Metrotown Station working Route 106 New Westminister Station. |
8/29/2008 |
N9731 |
N9731 departing Lonesdale Quay working Route 239 Park Royal. |
8/30/2008 |
N9731 Rear |
N9731 at Burrard Station waiting for its next run. |
8/31/2008 |
N9732 |
N9732 arriving at Lonesdale Quay working Route 239 Park Royal. |
4/16/2009 |
N9732 Rear |
N9732 departing Phibbs Exchange working Route 239 Park Royal. |
4/16/2009 |
N9734 |
N9734 departs Lonesdale Quay working Route 246 Highland. |
8/30/2008 |
N9735 |
N9735 departing Lonesdale Quay working Route 230 Upper Lonesdale. |
8/28/2008 |
N9735-2 |
N9735 arriving at Lonesdale Quay working Route 246. |
8/30/2008 |
B9736 |
B9736 at Park Royal working Route 239 Capilano University. |
7/11/2017 |
N9736 |
N9736 departs Park Royal working Route 239 Capilano University. |
4/16/2009 |
N9737 |
N9737 sitting on West Georgia out of service waiting for the Lions Gate Bridge to reopen. |
4/15/2009 |
N9738 |
N9738 arriving at Lonesdale Quay working Route 239 Capilano College. |
8/30/2008 |
N9740 |
N9740 departs Lonesdale Quay working Route 239 Phibbs Exchange. |
8/30/2008 |
N9741 |
N9741 departs Lonesdale Quay not in service. |
8/28/2008 |
N9741-2 |
N9741 departing Lonesdale Quay working Route 236 Grouse Mountain. |
4/16/2009 |
N9742 |
N9742 departs Park Royal after finishing a run on Route 239. |
8/28/2008 |
N9743 |
N9743 arriving at Phibbs Exchange working Route 239 Park Royal. |
4/16/2009 |
N9744 Rear |
N9742 departs Lonesdale Quay working Route 239. |
8/28/2008 |
N9745 |
N9740 departs Lonesdale Quay working Route 239 Park Royal. |
8/30/2008 |
N9745 Rear |
N9745 arrives at Lonesdale Quay working Route 239 Park Royal. |
8/30/2008 |
N9747 |
N9747 departs Lonesdale Quay working Route 228 Lynn Valley. |
8/28/2008 |
N9750 |
N9750 arriving at Phibbs Exchange not in service. |
3/21/2010 |
N9759 |
N9759 arriving at Park Royal working Route 239. |
7/16/2011 |
N9760 |
N9760 arriving at Lonesdale Quay working Route 239 Capilano U. |
4/16/2009 |
N9760-2 |
N9760 departing Lonesdale Quay working Route 239 Capilano U. |
4/16/2009 |
N9761 |
N9761 arriving at Phibbs Exchange working Route 239 Capilano U. |
3/21/2010 |
N9763 |
N9763 arriving at Phibbs Exchange working Route 239 Park Royal. |
3/21/2010 |
N9763-3 |
N9763 at Park Royal working Route 239 Capilano University. |
7/21/2014 |
N9764 |
N9764 waiting for its next run at the North Vancouver Transit Centre. |
4/16/2009 |
N9764-2 |
N9764 waiting for its next run at the North Vancouver Transit Centre. |
3/21/2010 |
N9765 |
N9765 at Park Royal working Route 239 Capilano University. |
7/21/2014 |
N9767 |
N9767 waiting for its next run at the North Vancouver Transit Centre. |
4/16/2009 |
N9768 |
N9768 waiting for its next run at the North Vancouver Transit Centre. |
3/21/2010 |
B9769 |
B9769 at Park Royal not in service. |
7/11/2017 |
N9769 |
N9769 on the north shore working Route 239 Capilano University |
3/29/2016 |
N9771 |
N9771 departing Lonesdale Quay working Route 228 Lynn Valley. |
4/16/2009 |
N9775 |
N9775 arriving at Metrotown Station working Route 106. |
4/16/2009 |
N9777 |
N9777 arriving at Lonesdale Quay working Route 230. |
4/16/2009 |
N9777-3 |
N9777 at Park Royal working Route 239 Capilano University. |
7/21/2014 |
N9778 |
N9778 arriving at Lonesdale Quay working Route 230. |
4/16/2009 |
N9778-2 |
N9778 arriving at Phibbs Exchange working Route 239 Capilano U. |
4/16/2009 |
N9778-3 |
N9778 departing Phibbs Exchange working Route 211 Seymour. |
3/21/2010 |
N9778 Rear |
N9778 laying over at Phibbs Exchange working Route 211 Seymour. |
3/21/2010 |
N9779 |
N9779 departing Lonesdale Quay working Route 236 Grouse Mountain. |
4/16/2009 |
N9779 Rear |
N9779 arriving at Lonesdale Quay working Route 236. |
4/16/2009 |
N9780 |
N9780 arriving at Lonesdale Quay working Route 239 Park Royal. |
4/16/2009 |
N9780-2 |
N9780 departing Lonesdale Quay working Route 239 Park Royal. |
4/16/2009 |
N9780-3 |
N9778 arriving at Phibbs Exchange working Route 212 Deep Cove. |
3/21/2010 |
N9781 |
N9781 arriving at Phibbs Exchange. |
3/21/2010 |
N9782 |
N9782 arriving at Park Royal working Route 239. |
7/19/2011 |
N9783 |
N9783 arriving at Phibbs Exchange working Route 211 Vancouver. |
4/16/2009 |
N9783-3 |
N9783 at Park Royal working Route 239 Capilano University. |
7/21/2014 |
N9787 |
N9787 sitting on West Georgia out of service waiting for the Lions Gate Bridge to reopen. |
4/15/2009 |
N9787-2 |
N9787 arriving at Phibbs Exchange working Route 210 Vancouver. |
4/16/2009 |
N9787-3 |
N9787 arriving at Phibbs Exchange working Route 210 Vancouver. |
4/16/2009 |
N9790 Rear |
N9790 at Park Royal working Route 239. |
4/16/2009 |
B9791 |
B9791 at Park Royal working Route 239 Capilano University. |
7/11/2017 |
N9791 |
N9791 at Phibbs Exchange working Route 211 Seymour. |
4/16/2009 |